Ganesh Chaturthi, also known as Vinayak Chaturthi is celebrated in honor of Lord Ganesh, the “elephant-headed” on his birthday. Lord Ganesh is known to bring good fortune, wealth, and prosperity and every auspicious function is started by evoking his blessings called Shubh Aarambh. This auspicious festival is celebrated in the Hindu month of Bhadra all across the globe, and the grandest celebrations take place in Maharashtra.
The Ganesh Chaturthi festival is just about to come. Preparations are already started with lots of excitement. Every year Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated on the Chaturthi of the bright fortnight of the month. This time Ganesh Chaturthi will be celebrated on Saturday 22nd August 2020.
The story behind Lord Ganesh Elephant-Head
According to our Panditjee, the story of the birth of Ganesh is somewhat different, he says that Goddess Parvati was made from the filth taken from her body. When she went to take a bath, she set Ganesh out for her protection.
Unknown to his father, Ganesh, who is the husband of Shiva Lord Parvati, returned home and tried to stop him, which made Shiva angry and beheaded Ganesh.
After this, when Parvati came to know about all this, she became angry with Shiv ji, on which Shiva promised to bring him back the life of Ganesh and put an elephant’s head on it and thus got Ganesh’s life again.
Why do we celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi?
Our Panditjee says that It is believed Lord Ganesh was born on the first day of the bright fortnight of Bhadra month. According to the Puranas and Hindu scriptures, Lord Shree Ganesh was born on the fourth day of Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapada month.
Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated for 10 days. During this time, devotees install the idol of Lord Ganesh in their homes and worship Lord Ganesh for the whole ten days. Ganapati Ji is immersed on the last day of Ganesh Chaturthi. It is said that worshipping Lord Ganesh brings happiness, prosperity, and prosperity at home.
Many people observe fast on this day, it is said that Lord Ganesh is happy by keeping the fast and fulfils the wishes of his devotees. In such a situation, devotees worship Lord Ganesh with great reverence.
Ganesh Chaturthi Sthapana Vidhi & Performing Arti :
- On the day of Ganesh Chaturthi, after bathing, wearing clean clothes, you should bring an idol of Lord Ganesh.
- Clean the garrison with Ganga water and put a clean cloth of red or green colour on it.
- Lay the cloth on it and keep the idol of Lord Ganesh on top of it.
- Sprinkle Ganga water on the idol of Lord Ganesh.
- Put Lord Ganesh in a Janeu and establish an urn by keeping intact on the left side. Also, make a swastika symbol.
- Put on mango tree leaves and coconut in the Kalash
- After offering the Kalwa to the Lord Ganesh after the Kalash establishment, offer him the Panchmeva and Modak and offer flowers, garlands, roli etc. to Lord Ganesh.
- Tilak Lord Ganesh with roli. After performing the tilak, light Diya in front of Ganesh and place it on the right side.
- Now perform the aarti of Lord Ganesh
Keep these things in mind Before doing Ganesh Sthapna 2020:
- It is considered auspicious to establish Lord Ganesh Idol always in the East direction and North-East direction. The establishment of Lord Ganesh should not be forgotten in the south and southwest.
- No two idols of Lord Ganesh should be kept together at home or office. According to Vastu Shastra, doing so causes a collision of energy. Due to this money is lost
- During the establishment of Lord Ganesh, it should be kept in mind that the idol should not face toward the door. It is said that there is good luck, accomplishment, and happiness in the face of Lord Ganesh.
- Unbroken light in front of Lord Ganesh should be lit till the day of immersion.
Ganesh Chaturthi 2020 Sthapna Subh Mahurat as per our Panditjee
- Date: 22/08/2020 on Saturday.
- Morning – 7:11 AM to 9: 42 AM
- Noon – 12:33 PM to 5:10 PM
- Atijeet Muhurta 11: 59 AM to 12: 49 PM
- Amritakala Muhurta 1:45 PM to 3:12 PM